Why membership?

Becoming a member of the church is an important decision—and a joyful one! It is the next step to take in deepening your faith in Christ and commitment to his ministry in the world. Joining the church does not mean having all your questions answered. Faith is a pilgrimage; one need not wait until every doubt is resolved. Nor is membership about being blameless or worthy. It is about desiring to grow in God’s grace within a community of believers, recognizing that we all are given gifts and abilities to share in service to God and neighbor. Membership is a next step in believing.
Specifically, to become a member is to:

  • Take part in the life and worship of the congregation;

  • Lift one another up in prayer, mutual concern, and active support;

  • Study scripture and the issues of faith and life;

  • Support the ministry of the church through the giving of money, time, and talents;

  • Stretch your faith, try something new: serve meals to the homeless, go on a mission trip, help out in the youth program, join the choir, take on a leadership role.

What is the membership process?

You begin by attending an Inquirer’s Class, where you will learn more about our beliefs, our denomination – the Presbyterian Church (USA) –  and the programs, ministries, and mission of First Presbyterian Church. Discussion and questions are encouraged! If desired, a follow-up visit with a pastor provides further time to get acquainted and pursue topics of interest. Next, meeting with the session, our governing body, is an opportunity to share faith stories and meet church leaders. Finally, a commissioning at a Sunday service is the congregation’s opportunity to celebrate and pray for you as a new member.

How do I sign up?

Call or email the church office (805-687-0754, fpcadmin@fpcsb.org) to add your name to the list for our next Inquirer’s Class.