Sunday Worship
9:30 am in The Sanctuary or worship online on our YouTube channel
Pastor Ann Conklin
Welcome to Worship
Worship is one of the greatest joys of the Christian life! God gathers us together as a body for worship. At First Presbyterian Church we worship together at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings.
It is in worship that God forms us and shapes us into the people God created us to become. We are transformed by God’s Word proclaimed in worship. Through the regular pattern of worship during our lives, our theology is shaped, our lives of discipleship are nurtured, and we are fed at the Lord’s Table. We are then sent out in the power of the Holy Spirit to share God’s love with the world around us.
As we worship, we encounter God through song, prayer, silence, and receiving God’s Word. Our worship strives to be inclusive of all ages, people, and learning styles as we offer a variety of ways to encounter God and learn to follow Jesus Christ in the world. Please join us for worship soon!
Worship FAQs
What can I expect on a Sunday morning?
From Sept-May we worship in our sanctuary, which is a large space that we try to make more cozy by our warm and welcoming presence. During the summer months we worship in our Christian Fellowship Center (CFC), which is a more casual space with air conditioning!
We begin with a Call to Worship followed by a gathering song or hymn. We pray together, listen to Scripture readings, are engaged in a children’s message, and hear a sermon. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month.
What is available for children on Sunday mornings?
We offer a variety of Sunday morning options for children of all ages. Click here to learn more
What is the typical attire for worship?
At First Pres, you’ll find people dressed up for worship as well as many people in more casual clothes. What we wear isn’t nearly as important as the desire of our hearts to offer our worship and praise to God.
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Watch Our Past Sermons