
One of the many ways we live out our faith in the world is by giving back to God a portion of what God has given to us. Giving of ourselves in every way – our time, our talents, and our treasure – is one way that we respond to the grace God has given us in Jesus Christ our Lord. At First Presbyterian Church, we strive to cultivate generosity in our congregation and invite people into the joy of living generously.

Annual Giving

We have an annual giving campaign that supports our mission and ministries. This usually takes place in the fall as we ask our congregants to commit their support for the upcoming year in the form of a pledge. On Commitment Sunday it is a deep joy to watch as many members come forward to place their pledge on the communion table as an offering to God. We celebrate together with a congregational meal following worship! All pledges and tithes, indeed gifts of any size, are all greatly appreciated and needed in order for our ministry to thrive.

Planned Giving

Leaving a legacy gift is another way of giving back to God. Planned giving enables faithful disciples of Jesus to ensure that the church will be provided for in the future. The 1869 Society was established to recognize and honor those who have left legacy gifts to the church as well as those who have declared an intent to remember First Presbyterian Church in their will or estate plan. The Fund and Society are named for the year that First Presbyterian Church was established in Santa Barbara.

The statement of purpose of the 1869 Memorial Fund reads, in part, “the Memorial Fund is one of the resources that God has provided to be used by the congregation on God’s behalf.” The Memorial Fund has been built by the bequests of faithful stewards who’ve chosen to provide a gift to the church through their will or living trust enabling First Presbyterian Church to continue responding to needs in Santa Barbara and throughout the world. These donors recognize an opportunity to give a “last tithe” to support the church who supported them during their lifetimes.

Giving is at the heart of our Christian faith! We invite you to experience the joy of leaving a legacy. Everyone leaving a legacy gift, regardless of the gift size, is invited to become a member of the 1869 Society. Email to connect.