Early Childhood Center
The Early Childhood Center (ECC) is owned and operated by First Presbyterian Church as a service mission to meet community needs, demonstrating its commitment to the well being of the young children and their families of our community by providing affordable quality early care and education.
The Center serves children between the ages of three months and six years of age. Participation is open to all families, regardless of religion, race, color, or national origin. Any family whose needs can be met within the normal framework of the program is eligible for enrollment.
Center tours are given the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 am. Tours allows all your questions to be answered, see our rooms and yards, and join our waiting list.
The enrollment process for the 2025/2026 school year will start in January. Now is a great time to do a tour and get on the waitlist.
Current open spots available for immediate enrollment are:
Infant current age 6-9 months, Part-time Monday/Friday
Infant current age 9months-14months Part-time Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Toddler, turned 1 by August 2024, Part-time Tuesday/Thursday/Friday
Preschool, turned 2 by June 2024, Fulltime available as well as a Part-time Tuesday/Thursday spot.
If you are interested in immediate enrollment please email the director: bhassenplug@fpcsb.org
If you would like to save a space for the next school year please complete a waitlist application and call the ECC.
Video Tour
Please check out the tour video and complete the online waitlist form
We currently have openings in our Pre-K classroom only. For the next school year, which starts August 19th, we have openings in our toddler program. If you would like to be considered please register for the waitlist as soon as possible. You can get on the waitlist here.
The Infant/Toddler Program
Our program for infants and toddlers consist of two infant and two toddler rooms plus three yards specifically designed to meet the needs of very young children. Low child to teacher ratios assure individualized care for each child. Each family has a primary teacher who particularly focuses on their child. We practice continuity of care: teachers and their group of children advance together from room to room. Small groups, primary caregiving, and close communication with families give infants and toddlers the long-term, meaningful relationships that are critical to their development in the first three years of life.
The Preschool Program
The preschool program consists of three groups of mixed aged children from the ages of 2 1/2 to 4 years of age. The children enjoy a large yard with learning opportunities that change daily. The majority of the preschool day takes place in our outdoor classroom. A very small group of TK children are enrolled but 4 and 5 year old children are encouraged to attend their local elementary school. No new children will be enrolled over the age of 3 1/2. Our play-based program gives ample opportunity, space and time to develop friendships, explore nature and enjoy the whimsy and fun of imagination. Ongoing observation and tracking of children’s development supports children’s readiness to enter primary school. We believe that play is the work of young children and that through play the important skills for school such as emotional maturity, communication and executive functioning will develop. Through their active engagement with learning environments, other children, and teachers, children learn about themselves and their world.
Our program is woven through with the educational tenets of the CA Teaching Pyramid, PITC, Outdoor Classroom and the CA foundations and Early Learning Framework.
ECC Schedule and Fees
Program Fees Effective August 21, 2023
Standard Day:
Infant: $2045
Toddler: $1940
Young Preschool: $1595
Preschool: $1490
Standard Day: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Extended Day: Monday – Friday, 7:30-5:30 pm ($250/mo additional cost)
Limited part-time openings may be available (Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday Standard Day; no partial day openings are available)
Scholarships Available
Based on need and availability of funds. Applications are due in July and scholarships are given on an annual basis.
Contact the ECC
Center tours are given the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 am.
No appointment necessary.
Tours allow you to get all your questions answered, see our rooms and yards, and join our waiting list. There is a waitlist for both our Infant/Toddler and Preschool Programs. You can sign up for our waitlist for free when attending a tour, or you may fill out an online waitlist application here.
Our address:
21 E. Constance Ave
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
ECC Phone: (805) 687-6362
Director of FPC Early Childhood Center, Beth Hassenplug:
Infant license: 421702330
Preschool license: 421712288