Mission & Community Engagement
Chang Mai Mission Trip
The Mission team supports global and local missions by providing volunteers, prayer, and financial support to several local and global organization. The team also engages the congregation in the ministry of our mission partners around the world through regular updates as well as inviting mission partners to join in leading worship and preaching remotely and, when possible, in person.
Local Outreach
Santa Barbara Mission Conference – Provide space, volunteers, and financial support for this annual mission conference https://www.sbmissionconference.org/
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission – Housing and financial support for unsheltered persons https://sbrm.org
Sonshine Ministry – Provides literature, music and encouragement to residents of local nursing homes
Jail Ministry – Bible study for local jail inmates
Front Porch – Ministry to students at USCSLO https://www.frontporchslo.org
Freedom Warming Shelter – Between November and March, serve as one of several local churches that provides shelter and a warm meal to unsheltered persons during inclement weather
Safe Parking Program – Provide safe parking in parking lot at FPCSB for persons living in their vehicles https://sbnbcc.org/safe-parking/
Transition House – Provide monthly meals for individuals and families transitioning from homelessness https://transitionhouse.com/
Young Life – Ministry to junior high, high school, and college students https://santabarbara.younglife.org/
Global Mission
Dana & Brandi Bates (Romania) – Supporting children’s literacy and youth outdoor adventures through Orthodox Christian Mission Center https://secure.ocmc.org/site/SPageNavigator/Missionaries/Dana%20Bates/BatesMissionary.html
Greg & Chris Callison (Middle East) - Refugee support through Antioch Partners https://www.theantiochpartners.org/
Scott & Elmarie Parker (Lebanon) – Supporting Middle East Presbyterian Churches through the Presbyterian Mission Agency https://presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/elmaire-and-scott-parker/
Nita Hanson (Ukraine) – Support for disabled persons and Ukrainianwar victims through God’s Hidden Treasurers https://www.godshiddentreasures.org/
Off Wichaphon (Thailand) – Mission workers in Thailand through OMF International https://omf.org
Jim Witty (Middle East) - Assisting children affect by trauma through Care Corps International https://carecorpsint.org
Tito Paredes (Peru) - Support for Education of Evangelical workers in Peru through CEMAA https://cemaa.org
Bob & Kristi Rice (South Sudan) – Christian education and support of vulnerable children through the Presbyterian Mission Agency https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/the -rev-bob-and-kristi-rice/
Kristy Labarge - Coordination short term missionary trips through IMPACT International https://impact.com
Congregation Engagement
Congregation Education- Two to three times a year the Mission Team selects a global or local missionary to preach to the congregation. Visiting missionaries are given the opportunity to teach or present in Sunday’s education hour. They may be given a weekday evening for a dinner followed by a presentation.
Short Term Mission Trips - The team provides opportunities for mission trips either self-generated or through Santa Barbara Presbytery’s IMPACT mission-sending ministry.
Sister Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand – We regularly pray for and support our sister church, First Church Chiang Mai, including hosting visitors from Chiang Mai, and traveling there to assist with mission projects.

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